Contact Us
We don't bite!
We prefer, if possible, to speak on the phone as it's easier to work out the details of a display or answer any questions you may have (it's fine, don't worry, we work nights!).
Though if you prefer to email us please feel free
(if you can't find your answer on our Questions & Answers page).
To book or enquire about a display please be as specific with details as you can to help us to reply accurately.
We aim to respond within a few hours unless we are out on a display.

Phone: 01535 210447
- Our office line and easiest to try first, but our mobiles are better than leaving messages

Philip's Mobile: 07971 695743
- Best for all new enquiries and logistics

Rebecca's Mobile: 07725 403805
- Best for existing bookings and accounting

- We normally respond quickly, if you haven't heard from us within 48 hours, please give us a call as we have been made aware of some emails not arriving

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Registered Business Address:
Optimum Fireworks LTD
23 Compeigne Avenue
West Yorkshire
BD21 4EU
Company No: 10628002
VAT no: 261 1043 52